Graffy uses two main tree-like structures, graphs and queries. It also uses paths and keys to identify nodes within these trees.


APIs built with Graffy model the application’s data in a single tree, not unlike a filesystem.

The standard convention is to have your data organized into collections of different object types (say a user collection and a post collection).

Graffy also supports links from one point in the tree to another, much like symbolic links in a filesystem. In this example, the post has a link, author, which refers to a particular user object using its absolute path in the tree.

The special property $ref, which specifies the link, is an attribute. Graffy has a few others — we’ll get to them soon.

All data in Graffy is represented using these JSON trees-with-links, which we call graphs.

  users: {
    uid1: { name: 'Alice' },
    uid2: { name: 'Bob' }
  posts: {
    pid1: {
      title: 'Hello world',
      author: { $ref: 'users.uid2' }


Queries represent data requirements in a tree structure that matches the expected results, with true in place of the leaf nodes to fetch.

Here’s an example query and its result. Note how we traverse the author link to get the user name.

  posts: {
    pid1: {
      title: true,
      author: { name: true }
  posts: {
    pid1: {
      title: 'Hello world',
      author: {
        $ref: 'users.uid2'
        name: 'Bob'


In a graph or query tree, keys identify a node in the context of its parent. Here, 'users', 'uid1' and 'name' are keys.

When all of a node’s children have string keys, it can be written as a plain JSON object.

  users: { uid1: { name: 'Alice' } }

On occasion, we may want to use other JSON values as keys. For example, we may want to use a JS object as a key to identify a user by their email address, rather than the user ID.

Here we write the parent node as a JSON array, and add keys to each child node with the $key attribute.

  users: [{
    $key: { email: 'bob@example' },
    name: 'Bobby Tables'
  posts: [{
    $key: {
      tags: ['javascript'],
      $last: 3
    title: true

In queries, range keys can be used to refer to multiple children rather than a single child.

Range keys are JS objects with one of the range properties $first, $last, $after, $before, $since, $until and $all.

In this example query, we’re requesting the titles of the 3 latest posts tagged "javascript".

See Pagination for more details.


We refer to locations in a graph using their absolute paths, which are sequences of keys. They are either string keys joined using dots, like 'users.uid2', or arrays of keys (e.g. ['users', 'uid2'] or ['users', { email: 'bob@example' }]).

Paths may include one range key, and if it does, it must be the last key in the path. This is useful when we need to specify a subset of the children of a node, rather than the node itself. For example, a path that refers to the last 3 posts can be written as ['posts', { $last: 3 }].